International Travel

What is the risk?

The vast majority of international travel would not normally trigger foreign influence concerns. However, travel for the purpose of cultivating a relationship with an un-vetted foreign institution, or to conduct work that directly involves a foreign government or its representatives is of potential concern. FIU implements a robust international travel review process to proactively identify travel that could potentially trigger foreign influence risk.

FIU’s Response:

FIU has developed an international travel approval and monitoring program that pre-approves and screens travel and foreign activities engaged in by all faculty, researchers, and research department staff.

As required, FIU also provides an annual report to the BOG of foreign travel to countries of concern listing: 1) individual travelers; 2) foreign locations visited; and 3) foreign institutions visited.

Each International Traveler must:

  1. Submit a Travel Authorization Request which includes a foreign influence screening tool
  2. Secure approval for such Travel
  3. Review and acknowledge FIU guidance about countries under sanctions or other Florida or US Government restrictions
  4. Agree not to violate FIU’s limitations on travel and activities abroad and to obey all applicable federal law
  5. Complete a post-travel expense report (regardless of whether expenses were actually incurred)

Guidance for International Travel:

All FIU faculty, staff, students, and other personnel traveling abroad on FIU-sponsored trips, or for any international travel on behalf of FIU, are required to read and acknowledge their understanding of this Guidance for International Travel. This Guidance includes essential information about complying with “Foreign Influence”, Export Controls, and OFAC trade sanctions.


For more information on Foreign Influence, the following resources are available: